Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is there anything this guy CAN'T do?

Bono getting a TV show from Oprah?

Oprah Winfrey recently chatted up U2's Bono at a dinner -- and then propositioned a business deal.

“Would you like a TV show?” she asked him, according to the New York Times.

"I look at everything now through the prism of, ‘This could make a very good TV show!'" added Winfrey, who will launch the OWN Network next month. No word on if Bono accepted the offer.

Click HERE for the story.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Teddy Bear Toss!

Here's the minor league hockey game Zolz was talking about, all 23,000 teddy bears went to charity:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


For information on Kieran Michael Lalor and his book, This Recruit check out his website:


Information about our guest on loans and mortgages:

Dave VanDeWater
Residential Home Funding
914-474-5746 Mobile
845-230-6651 EFax

Information about the charity basketball game in Newburgh this Saturday:

2nd Annual Cops vs. Cancer Event
New Windsor PD vs. Newburgh PD

Saturday December 18, 3PM

Mount St. Mary College, Newburgh
Benefiting Larry's Steps
For more info, contact Ginger Inness: 845-549-7143

And you thought marching bands weren't cool?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Unemployed? Make the most of it with this helpful guide

The Male-Pattern Baldness Haircut Saga! (Click Images to Enlarge)

Here's the haircut the guys were talking about earlier this morning

Tiffany from East Coast Salon and Matt, the courageous soul

The Beginning

So begins the shave

Matt's buddy lends a helping hand

Shades of Homer Simpson

Mission accomplished: The strangest victory Matt may ever experience

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lady Luck loves these people!

Carlie's Crusade

For information about our guests from Carlie's Crusade this morning and any other information about the cause and child safety, please visit the Carlie's Crusade website:


Thursday, December 2, 2010

All of your money answers!

For information about any of the websites, seminars, programs, or books that our guest Jordan Goodman discussed this morning, head over to his website:


He has all the links he discussed with us right there on his page, and you can get in touch with him through that site as well.