Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is there anything this guy CAN'T do?

Bono getting a TV show from Oprah?

Oprah Winfrey recently chatted up U2's Bono at a dinner -- and then propositioned a business deal.

“Would you like a TV show?” she asked him, according to the New York Times.

"I look at everything now through the prism of, ‘This could make a very good TV show!'" added Winfrey, who will launch the OWN Network next month. No word on if Bono accepted the offer.

Click HERE for the story.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Teddy Bear Toss!

Here's the minor league hockey game Zolz was talking about, all 23,000 teddy bears went to charity:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


For information on Kieran Michael Lalor and his book, This Recruit check out his website:


Information about our guest on loans and mortgages:

Dave VanDeWater
Residential Home Funding
914-474-5746 Mobile
845-230-6651 EFax

Information about the charity basketball game in Newburgh this Saturday:

2nd Annual Cops vs. Cancer Event
New Windsor PD vs. Newburgh PD

Saturday December 18, 3PM

Mount St. Mary College, Newburgh
Benefiting Larry's Steps
For more info, contact Ginger Inness: 845-549-7143

And you thought marching bands weren't cool?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Unemployed? Make the most of it with this helpful guide

The Male-Pattern Baldness Haircut Saga! (Click Images to Enlarge)

Here's the haircut the guys were talking about earlier this morning

Tiffany from East Coast Salon and Matt, the courageous soul

The Beginning

So begins the shave

Matt's buddy lends a helping hand

Shades of Homer Simpson

Mission accomplished: The strangest victory Matt may ever experience

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lady Luck loves these people!

Carlie's Crusade

For information about our guests from Carlie's Crusade this morning and any other information about the cause and child safety, please visit the Carlie's Crusade website:


Thursday, December 2, 2010

All of your money answers!

For information about any of the websites, seminars, programs, or books that our guest Jordan Goodman discussed this morning, head over to his website:


He has all the links he discussed with us right there on his page, and you can get in touch with him through that site as well.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In case your Thanksgiving wasn't flashy enough

Hold onto your giblets: Designer turkeys are flying off store shelves - even at prices as high as $14 a pound.

That's a $168 dent in your Thanksgiving budget if you're hunting a tasty 12-pounder.

Manhattan architect Stephen Alesch dished out more than $200 Sunday for a pair of Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch Heritage free-range turkeys, priced at $11 a pound and dubbed the "Mercedes-Benz" of birds by Dean & Deluca staff.

"They hang out in open fields," Alesch, 45, said in defense of his three-figure fowl.

"It's all about what it's been like for them for their one or two years of life."

Click HERE for the story

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Megamind... Saw 3D... Same difference!

Families at Showcase Cinemas in Revere, Massachusetts were expecting to see 'Megamind,' a colorful, animated superhero adventure presented in eye-popping 3D.

Instead, they got the first few minutes of 'Saw 3D,' a bloody, gruesome horror movie presented in 3D so that you can literally see eyes popping.

It remains uncertain whether or not the traumatized children and their shocked parents began to flee after the footless man cauterized his leg stump with a burning steam pipe or after the woman got lowered into the buzz saw.

Click HERE for the story

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

These middle schoolers pull off the best trick play you'll ever see

Don't start celebrating just yet!

Conan is the new late night king--for one night, at least

The premiere episode of "Conan" attracted 4.2 million viewers, according to figures released Tuesday by TBS, making O'Brien's new talker the top-rated late-night show on TV -- broadcast or cable -- Monday night.

O'Brien beat out NBC rival Jay Leno, whose "Tonight" show attracted 3.5 million viewers Monday. And the debut of "Conan" is now basic cable's all-time No. 1 late-night talk show telecast. It eclipsed Barack Obama's Oct. 29, 2008, appearance on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," which pulled in 3.6 million viewers, the show's biggest audience to date.

Click HERE for the story

It's official: Porn companies will parody ANYTHING

Porn king Steve Hirsch is to spoof Taylor Swift and Kanye West's one-time feud in a new X-rated movie.

The pair hit the headlines after West stormed the stage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards to protest Swift's win, declaring her Best Female Video prize belonged to his friend Beyonce.

Now adult movie masterminds at Hirsch's Vivid Entertainment want the pair to kiss and make up in the bedroom as they parody their relationship in a naughty new DVD.

Production on the racy film will begin in "the next two months".

Click HERE for the story

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jon Stewart conquering Letterman and Leno?

Jon Stewart, fresh from his "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington last weekend, has made US ratings history by beating rivals David Letterman and Jay Leno to become last month's highest-rating talkshow.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which airs on cable channel Comedy Central, attracted the highest average adult audience of any late night talkshow in October, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The Reporter states that it has been "at least a decade" since a talkshow other than David Letterman's Late Show on CBS or Jay Leno-fronted The Tonight Show on NBC topped the ratings.

Stewart, who has generated a lot of publicity since announcing in September he would hold a rally in Washington's National Mall, attracted an average of 1.3 million adult viewers per show during October. That put him ahead of Leno and Letterman, who averaged 1.2 million.

Click HERE for the story

Watch Steve Carell audition for Anchorman!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Inside the mind of a crazy mall-walker!

Who knew you could OD on caffeine?

A 23-year-old British man died after ingesting two spoonfuls of caffeine powder that had the same potency as 70 cans of energy drinks.

An inquest over the April death of Michael Lee Bedford from Mansfield, in central England, was held on Friday where Bedford's friends said they saw him take "spoonfuls of white powder" that was given to him by a friend and wash it down with an energy drink at a party, reports the Nottingham Post. Fifteen minutes after taking the powder, "He was puking up blood and he was sweating really bad," said one friend.

The packet of caffeine powder was purchased online for $5.38 and instructed users to take no more than one sixteenth of a teaspoon.

Click HERE for story

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brett Favre for Wrangler

Remember hiccup girl? She's wanted for murder!



Floridians frequently become famous either for heinous crimes or odd achievements, like building the world's largest rubber-band ball. Rarely, however, do the two intersect, which is why the Sunshine State marveled Monday at the sad life of Jennifer Mee.

Mee, one may recall, was the "hiccup girl" of 2007 — the teenager from Tampa whose nonstop hiccups, up to 50 times a minute for six weeks, caught the attention of the nation. Now she is back in the spotlight, facing murder charges.

Police in St. Petersburg say that Mee, 19, lured Shannon Griffin, 22, to a home there Saturday, where two male accomplices — Laron C. Raiford, 20, and Lamont Newton, 22 — tried to rob him. When Griffin resisted, he was shot four times and killed, the police said.

Click HERE for the story

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Hottest Player Wives of the MLB Playoffs

Click HERE for the list

Whatever it takes to win!

Apparently there’s no limit to what some people will do to win a soccer game.

An unidentified member of Sport Ancash’s coaching staff has been accused of giving players from opposing team Hijos de Acosvinchos drugged water after four of them passed out in the waning moments of their Peruvian second-division game.

With five minutes to go before the final whistle, Hijos de Acosvinchos defenseman Andy Salinas suddenly collapsed in the middle of the field and was quickly attended to by team physicians.

Immediately after play resumed, two of Salinas’ teammates -- Luis Coelho and Martín Reátegui - suffered the same fate and lost consciousness without warning. Although he managed to stay lucid, a fourth player, Juan Luna, also became ill as a result of drinking the tainted water.

“From what I remember… the goalie from the other team was being treated for an injury… Someone from the their (Sport Ancash) coaching staff, it must have been the equipment manager, the physical therapist or maybe the water boy, stepped onto the field and we shared drinks.”

Click HERE for the story

Now HERE's a candidate

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Be careful how you stuff your bag!

Next time you complain about a politician, he could be worse. He could be THIS guy

Suburban Los Angeles mayor Albert Huang has been arrested after snatching a woman's purse and driving off while she clung onto his vehicle.

Mayor Huang was arrested pending investigation of felony assault, felony robbery and misdemeanor battery following his arrest early on Friday morning in San Gabriel, Los Angeles.

The 35-year-old mayor had previously been seen arguing with the woman over money in a car park, before snatching the woman's purse and jumping into his SUV.

Huang proceeded to drive off, while the woman clung onto his vehicle, leaning into the passenger window. Huang is alleged to have hit speeds of up to 45mph during the incident.

Click HERE for the link

The 15 Lamest Sports Logos of All-Time

Click HERE for the list

Monday, October 18, 2010

This is what Louis CK, Jon Stewart, and Colin Quinn were doing 20 years ago

The future of Starbucks' success is... beer?

The Starbucks of the future arrived today.

If Starbucks executives have it figured out right, this could be the prototype for the next generation of stores for one of the world's most influential brands.

A very different kind of Starbucks is on tap. It will serve regional wine and beer. It offers an expansive plate of locally made cheeses — served on china. The barista bar is rebuilt to seat customers up close to the coffee.

Most conspicuously, the place looks less like a Starbucks and more like a cafe that's been part of the neighborhood for years — yet that's "green" in design and decor. This is the calling card of independent java joints that have been eating and sipping away at Starbucks' evening business for decades. U.S. Starbucks stores get 70% of business before 2 p.m.

Click HERE for the story

Door-to-Door Crack Sales: Not a Great Business Model

Neighbors in one Murrells Inlet development said they're in shock after a man is arrested for trying to sell marijuana and crack to several people door to door.

"I've never seen anything like this in my life," said Renee Elvis, a mother of two who lives in the Kings Court neighborhood. Horry County Police arrested 25-year-old Eric Godbolt after police captured him trying to sell drugs.

Neighbors said they saw the suspect walking around the neighborhood around 10pm Monday night. According to sources familiar with the investigation, one neighbor worked to lure the suspect to the home of an off duty police officer. That officer, sources said, worked with dispatch to help capture the Pawleys Island man.

Click HERE for the story

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Would you like a wife with that?

Hong Kong will be the first city in the world to roll out McDonald’s nuptial packages for couples starting January 1 next year.

The package has all the details to attract a wedding banquet cynic or a Golden Arches obsessive: a baked apple pie wedding cake, dress made out of party balloons, kiddie party favors for guests, and of course, catering by McDonald’s.

Alcohol is banned to make sure there won’t be drunk party guests acting inappropriately at the family venue, so newly weds will have to toast their union with soft drinks instead.

Click HERE for more

Gotta take your lumps if you want to be the next Dan Rather!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Apparently they're in no hurry to explain their girlfriends to their wives!

With "D-Day" as the Chilean health minister calls it, only days away, the 33 miners trapped almost 700 metres below the Atacama Desert are beginning to fight — over who will be the last to exit and take their first breath of fresh air after more than two months in a subterranean prison.

"I want to go last" said one miner, "No, it will be me" said another, recounted Health Minister Jaime Manalich, to a phalanx of reporters from around the world, from Canada to Korea, on Sunday.

Authorities say the dramatic rescue will begin "around Wednesday," noting that in this unique experience nothing has been entirely predictable. It could be as early as Tuesday night.

Click HERE for the story

When you're the Super Bowl winning QB, you can have others be creative FOR you

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees took to his Twitter account today to ask the Who Dat Nation for some help with baby names for Brees Boy No. 2.

Here's what he put out on his Twitter:

"My wife is due any day now with baby boy #2. We have a few names picked out but haven't decided yet. Looking for "b" names. Suggestions?"

"We are looking for boy names starting with a "b" that are uncommon. Not in most baby name books. Thanks to all for any ideas"

Click HERE for the story

Here's the info on the charity walk we discussed this morning..

Walk for Lymphoma on October 17, 2010

The walk will take place on Sunday, October 17, 2010 at Shannon Park, Slate Hill NY. Registration will begin at 10:00am walk to start at 11:00am and end at 2:00pm. All proceeds will benefit Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in honor of Brenda Travers.

If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor please contact bean@onestepatatime.biz

Click HERE for the link to the site

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This is the most beautiful song you will ever hear

Our friend Ralphie May's mistake

May was busted for weed last week, but only had to pay a small fine because he was carrying less than an ounce. The comedian tells us he didn't realize the pot was in his bag when, on his way through customs, he went up to the dog and started petting it.

May, who has a medical marijuana card, explains: "When I got to baggage claim, I actually walked up to the dog. I love dogs and petted Nickey, the beautiful shepherd mix, and she sat down. That indicates to the handler that I had marijuana on me. I didn't know that, I just thought that dog loved me. Then another dog came over and it sat down as well and I petted that dog too. I was thinking these dogs love me they can tell I'm a dog person."

May dealt with some very nice customs agents and he explained the mix-up. May says, "The customs agents said they knew I didn't mean to smuggle drugs into Guam cause no drug smuggler would be stupid enough to walk up to the dogs and pet them."

Click HERE for the story

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Yankees/Red Sox rivalry gets violent!

Police say a New Hampshire man was stabbed in a bar fight over the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry.

Police in the Connecticut shoreline town of Branford arrested John Mayor of New Haven Saturday night for allegedly stabbing Monte Freire of Nashua, N.H.

The 45-year-old Mayor was charged with assault, breach of peace, possession of a controlled substance and other offenses. He is being held on $500,000 bond.

It was not known Sunday if he is represented by a lawyer.

Police Capt. Geoffrey Morgan called the alleged attack in a dispute over the baseball rivalry a shame and said it’s unbelievable.

Police say Freire was stabbed in the neck with a knife and is in critical condition at Yale-New Haven Hospital. His friends pursued and helped arrest Mayor.

Click HERE for the story

Now THIS is how you do an onside kick!

The 6 Most Creative Abuses of Loopholes!

Click HERE for the list

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

C'mon dude. Doing this in WAL-MART? Really?

One man is in jail after police say he tried to take pictures under women's skirts on Sunday.

Mario Esquivel-Jimenez, 40, is charged with video voyeurism, a felony.

According to officers, he was trying to take the pictures at the Wal-mart on Overland Saturday afternoon.

At least two women confronted him, and then got store managers involved.

Jimenez was detained until Boise Police arrived and arrested him.

Click HERE for the story

The Funniest DVR Show Descriptions

Click HERE for the gallery

Monday, September 27, 2010

Stephen Colbert Testifies on Capitol Hill

There's nothing funny about the issue of migrant farm labor -- unless Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert is discussing it.

Colbert, accompanied by a media swarm, sarcastically testified on Capitol Hill Friday about the conditions facing America's undocumented farm workers.

The popular host of "The Colbert Report" told members of a House Judiciary subcommittee that he hoped to bring attention to the workers' hardships.

"I certainly hope that my star power can bump this hearing all the way up to C-SPAN 1," he joked.

Click HERE for the story and videos